We have both been in Hiroshima for over 20 years and passed through Kabe many, many times, it struck us that we have never actually spent any time there. Taking advantage of a break in the rain we decided to remedy that situation and jumped on a train. Travel always refreshes the spirit, and, although we were only a few kilometers from the center of Hiroshima, we felt the thrill of escaping our everyday schedule as the train rumbled over the Shin Otagawa Bridge.
I found an old student!
I love kawara roof tiles and I learned to appreciate the electricity lines that criss-cross Japan’s skies as objets rather than eyesores.
I was happy to discover Kabe is a center of sake production. I was drawn by the lines in this composition.
I’m sure the Shigeta photo studio is more famous, but these contrasting colors caught my eye.
The Kabe Kaido still carries quite a lot of traffic!
Everyday things, everyday scene.